
响水县金隆纺织有限公司成立于2005年,是色纺纱专业生产厂之一,拥有色纺纱锭三万多枚,年产色纺纱线四千吨,专纺10支-60支纱线。专配散纤染色生产线,可制作天然纤维、化学纤维等不同类型,单元纯纺和多元混纺系列色纺纱线,色彩多样,色号齐全,并可承接各种色纺纱来样订货。目前公司新添倂线设备,集纺纱倂线与一体,一条龙为新老客户提供优质放心服务。 响水县峻珑传动件有限公司成立于2012年,峻珑传动件项目总投2亿元,注册资本1500万元,投资8000万元,占地52亩,规划总投资建筑面积12000平方米,其中兴建标准化厂房8幢9600平方米,综合办公楼及配套用房2000平方米,工艺生产设备60台套,设备总投资达5800万元。新增精加工流水线6条,各种机械设备20台套,新建设生产车间、精加工车间、产品检验检测室、周转库房等建筑8000平方米。 xiangshui jinlong textile, was established in 2005, is one of the spinning color professional production plant, with more than thirty thousand pieces of colored spinning, spinning color line four tons of annual output, specifically spinning 10 -60 branch designed with loose fiber dyeing production lines, can produce different types of natural fiber, chemical fiber, spinning unit and multi-color yarn blended family, color variety, color range, and to undertake a variety of colored yarn sample the company added a new merger line equipment, spinning merger line and one, one-stop to provide quality assured services for new and existing xiangshui jun long transmission, was established in 2012, jun long transmission parts total investment 120 million yuan, the registered capital of 15 million yuan, invested 80 million yuan, covers an area of ??52 acres, a total investment planning construction area of ??12,000 square meters, which to build a standardized plant 8 9600 square meters, office building and ancillary buildings 2000 square meters, 60 sets of production equipment, technology and equipment with a total investment of 58 million add the finishing line 6, 20 sets of various machinery and equipment, building a new production plant, finishing workshop product inspection and testing rooms, warehouses and other buildings 8000 m2 [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:江苏 盐城 江苏 响水县 小尖镇西出口路路达加油站西500米 浙ICP备17016739号-4
